Saturday, December 5, 2009

Starting all over again ...Again!

It has been a couple of weeks since I last had the chance to write.  I have been really busy and then I got sick with a bad chest cold (bronchitis).  It has taken a lot out of me because I have been burning the candle at both ends and eventually it had to catch up and I guess it finally did.

Thanksgiving week, I had the chance to start a new full time job in the health insurance industry doing something I have never done before or ever thought I would be doing at all for that matter.  The company that I am working for gives you some basic sales training for a half a day and then you hit the phones and it's up to you to do the rest.  Obviously you can not sell insurance yet, but you do have a couple of products that you are legally able to sell and you are given a script and a phone to do it.  Thankfully these are good products and I am very happy about that because if I did not believe in the products I could never sell them at all.

You have to prove that you can do the job by closing a serious number of these small deals and after you have met the company's criteria, they will send you to school at their expense for your state insurance license. Once you past that test, you can actually begin to make some real money. With this type of work there is potential for decent income a few months into working there and very good income if you get good at it, but you have to pay your dues first and in the begining there is not much at in the way of money at all. It is a weeding our process.  So far of the original 5 people hired on the day that I started and of the three that were hired the next week, there is only me and my new friend Fred who are still standing.  This is pure telephone sales, and with my NLP skills and Hypnosis background it should  be something that I will be good at.  So far. I do like the job, at least it is something that is not physically demanding and it is giving my body a chance to rest a bit and there are a few other advantages to working there that are attractive to me and for now I am committed to making it work.

In the spirit of this blog, I want to tell you, my friends, the kinds of things that I am doing to make this transition work for me.  But to be honest, by writing this today, I am doing it as much for me as I hope it will do for you.  For me it is a kind of proclamation and affirmation, for you I hope it is instructional.

The first thing that I started doing was to begin a practice of visualizing my success for a few minutes in the morning as I lay in bed before getting dressed.  I imagine myself at my desk and writing up the documentation which shows the closed deals,  I hand that paperwork over to my boss and shake his hand as he congratulates me on the job well done.  I imaging myself talking to people on the phone and in doing so I am also working on my "pitch".  I get into feeling that I am irresistible to anyone I talk to.  Then I spend a few moments enjoying the fruits of my success.  I see myself driving my new car, I see my new motorcycle waiting for me to hop on and ride, and I feel the weight of the cash in my pockets too.  I let myself really get into it and frankly it's become the most enjoyable part of my day.  

The second thing that I did was to publicly post two of my goals prominently on my desk for me to see all day,  One is a formula for how much money I will be making by a specific date.  And the second are my specific sales goal that I set for the current week.  These serve not only to motivate me, but it is an announcement of my intention to the universe and an invitation for it to participate in my success.

Number three goes back to the realm of creative visualization.  I do this at night just before I settle in to sleep.  Sitting up in bed, I hold my hands at shoulder width and move them begin to move them closer together until I "feel" my energy (chi) pressing back.  As a Reiki Master, this is something I have practiced often and I am used to doing all the time but anybody can do it.  When I have that ball of energy in between my hands, I begin to fill it with all my good intentions for the coming day.  I put in the ball that I will have the chance to speak people who are ready willing and able to purchase the products that I am selling. I  put in the ball that I will speak to people who want my help. I put into the ball that I will speak to people who are in a position to help me in my life in ways that I don't even know I need yet!  Finally, I put in the ball the intention that everything I am desiring is all for the greater good of everyone I come into contact with.  Once I feel that I have put all my good intentions into that ball I visualize that I am releasing it out into the universe.  I watch as that ball flies out of my hands and then explodes like a fireworks in the sky and those millions of little sparks go off to find their intended targets and those people will find there way in turn to me.

Once I have done that, I simply ask that my guides and guardian angels protect me and help me as I do what ever I must do in the coming day to become a success at my chosen occupation.  I believe that I have many guides and angels at my side.  They have protected me (and my family) in the past and I take the time thank them in earnest for there help.  I know that they are happy to help me but you have to remember to ask for their help and thank them when they do!

The last thing I did this week was to write a number of Sales Affirmations which I have also posted on my desk.  Previously in this blog, I discussed the importance of making affirmations.  In doing this I am just practicing what I preach.  I have committed myself to reading them aloud at least three times a day.  I think its important to read them aloud because then it becomes a statement of intent or a declaration of truth and a self fulfilling prophesy. Here they are for you.  If you like them feel free to copy them yourself.  So far, one of my co workers has already asked me for a copy and he has posted it on his desk too

BTW I took the background picture at the Grand Canyon it's such and inspiring place that I felt it was a good backdrop for this too.

So this is what I have been up to the past week.  I am working on improving my performance and doing some NLP work on myself, I will share some of that with you next week   Until then...

