Wednesday, September 16, 2009

So what do you want anyway?

Are you going for the big ticket items...World Peace?  Curing cancer? Ending Hunger? Winning the Nobel Prize?  Or are you thinking more in terms of just "Please God, just let me get through this month!".  Granted, I'm talking about the extreme ends of the spectrum here and most of us find ourselves somewhere in between.   But not too long ago, I realized that most of what was on my list I fell into the what "I don't want" category. My thought sets fell into things like:
I don't want to run out of money before the bills are paid.
I don't want to get sick again.
I don't want my kids to get into trouble
I don't want my car to break down
I don't want to get stuck in traffic.
I don't want to be behind the guy with bad gas!
I don't want ....  get the idea?

In a nutshell, the "Law of Attraction" says that we get what we think about.  So as a result, I kept getting more of that kind of stuff.  (By the way if you want to learn more about the "Law of Attraction" just Google it you'll find thousands of references.)

What I needed to to, and what I encourage you to do is to understand that all of your don't wants come down to some manifestation of fear, and when you look the root cause of the fear in the eye, it becomes easier to turn your thinking around and re-frame the thought.  Someone recently reminded me of an acronym for FEAR; False Expectations Appearing Real.  I believe that when it comes to the way we think about things this is often really true.

So how do you flip your don't wants into wants?  I have been doing my best to concentrate on being grateful for what I already have.
When the thought comes to me about my bills I say, I am really lucky to have a job now and the opportunity to earn even more.
When the thought comes to me about being sick, I look in the mirror and tell myself how handsome I am and how well I feel right at that moment.
When I worry about my kids I think about how I felt the first time I held them.
When I worry about my car breaking down I think, how much I love driving it with the top down in the sunshine.
When I am stuck in traffic, I say this is a good excuse to listen to another song on the CD
When I am behind the guy with bad gas...Well I guess no matter what I feel I can't do much about his problem LOL I think i will just move to another line.

What all those things do is change the attitude, even if just for the moment, and that breaks the cycle of thought. Do that enough times and your "don't wants" all become less threatening.  Before too long you find yourself in a better frame of mind, and then you start putting out the positive energy which brings to you positive things.  Then you can really start working on those big Ticket items.


1 comment:

  1. Ah... and soon you will be in the VORTEX... Everyting to look forward to. I will reserve a place for you!
