I have been so bad at keeping up with this blog so I apologize to all of you my friends for not being diligent about it. As of late, I have been posting my thoughts on my Facebook page, and ignoring my blog but that isn't what I should be doing. Facebook is fleeting, this blog is permanent.
Life is full of ups and downs, it's no different for the "teacher" than it is for the "student". I have had to find ways to lift myself out of the depths and I guess that's what I want to write about today.
In my "day job" I am an insurance salesman. This is a totally new career for me. I had never done sales work in my life prior to 2009 in any way, so I had to reinvent myself for that. I always thought that I would be a good salesman, and I felt my hypnosis/NLP background would be a big help in it. But frankly I got off to a poor start. In early June I was very sure that I would lose this job because of lack of production. To say I was upset, would be an understatement. I have been fending off creditors and collectors since 2008 and the economic downturn. If I lost this job it would have been another kick in the teeth that would have been difficult to come back from.
One day, in mid June, I decided that I had to change the way I was thinking and acting. My boss brought me into his office at that moment I was sure I was about to be fired but instead said he had heard "through the grapevine" that I had a lot of problems and that if I needed to talk he would listen. This was very kind of him, aapparently, I was not good at keeping my private life private, and I was walking around with a frown and my head down. Who is going to buy anything from a guy like that? Even over the phone, that energy comes through. I didn't think I was being negative but I was. After that meeting, I made a promise to myself that I would take it one day at a time. I decided not to look at the big picture. I decided that I would not judge myself against anybody else's progress (which is something I was also doing) but only on my own. It didn't matter if the guy next to me made a sale. I would only be competing against myself.
My first move was to change the way I looked. I went out and bought a mirror to put on my desk. Whenever I would pick up the phone, I would check my look, slap a smile on my face and start the call. The second thing that I decided to do was take my boss' advise and spend more time on my feet instead of sitting down at my desk. This brings more air into your lungs and helps your circulation and thereby makes you "sharper and quicker". The next thing I did was make an appointment to speak to one of our top salesmen and pick his brain and ask him to critique me. His advise was equally important.
The bottom line is since I did these things my numbers have been steadily improving and June ended up being my best month and I believe that July will double June's production.
Those good feelings have spilled over into the other part of my life; the hypnosis business. In mid June, I came across an new Holistic Healing Center in my town, and I went in and asked them if they were interested in adding a hypnotist to their staff. They were very enthusiastic and I have begun working there and now even my practice is being rejuvenated. I am very excited about that as this is truly my passion. I have been getting even better results there than I am used to getting doing house calls and if there is one thing that I am really good at it is being a hypnotist!
So now the next step is to get to work on my physical self. I need to lose some weight and get more active. Physician Heal thyself I say. Soon I will blog on that progress.
So now, it is one day and one step at a time. Everything will come to me as I put out the positive energy and practice what I preach.
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010
Racing for Passion!
"When you’re racing with the clock
When you’re racing with the clock
And the second hand doesn't understand
That your back may break and your fingers ache
And your constitution isn't made of rock!
It’s a losing race when your racing with the
Racing racing racing with the clock!"
That is the chorus from a song in the play "The Pajama Game". When I was in high school we did that play. I had a non singing role, but that song has always stuck with me.
It seems to me that for most of my life I have been racing with the clock. I've been doing my best to keep my head out of the water, I’d been running in place and not getting as far as I wanted to. In the past, I felt that I had been losing that race, because the clock is ticking, and I am still looking for the spark that is going to propel me to the top.
I am now embarking on my second (or third or fourth career), but I don’t consider the others failures. I know that every great achiever has had to start over. I guess some people just have to start over more than others do.
I write this blog because I want to help people find the greatness in themselves. We all have greatness within us. The trick is to find the way to unleash it.
On Wednesday morning, we had a sales meeting at my new job. The person conducting the meeting spoke about the difference between mediocrity and greatness. He said that the difference is PASSION. He said that you can never be more than mediocre if you don’t have a passion for what you do. At that moment my mind drifted off to the evening before. I had been conducting a Group Hypnosis Smoking Cessation Session at Plainview Hospital. I realized that in that moment, I was great! I had passion. I had the participants in the palm of my hand and I took them to places that they needed to go. I do have passion for that work; I am in my element when I am doing it. It’s not work for me it was a joy! I realized that I simply have to do much more hypnosis and healing because it’s my passion.
I have a gift for helping and healing by back burnering it I am doing a disservice to myself and to humanity because I am denying the world of my gifts and preventing myself to become truly fulfilled and successful. It was a EUREKA moment if there ever was one.
Honestly, I am very thankful for my new job, and I will find the passion I need to become more than mediocre. With perseverance, perhaps that job will provide the means for me to do more of the other work and then become truly great at what I am passionate about, and I can stop racing with the clock and begin enjoying my time.
When you’re racing with the clock
And the second hand doesn't understand
That your back may break and your fingers ache
And your constitution isn't made of rock!
It’s a losing race when your racing with the
Racing racing racing with the clock!"
That is the chorus from a song in the play "The Pajama Game". When I was in high school we did that play. I had a non singing role, but that song has always stuck with me.
It seems to me that for most of my life I have been racing with the clock. I've been doing my best to keep my head out of the water, I’d been running in place and not getting as far as I wanted to. In the past, I felt that I had been losing that race, because the clock is ticking, and I am still looking for the spark that is going to propel me to the top.
I am now embarking on my second (or third or fourth career), but I don’t consider the others failures. I know that every great achiever has had to start over. I guess some people just have to start over more than others do.
I write this blog because I want to help people find the greatness in themselves. We all have greatness within us. The trick is to find the way to unleash it.
On Wednesday morning, we had a sales meeting at my new job. The person conducting the meeting spoke about the difference between mediocrity and greatness. He said that the difference is PASSION. He said that you can never be more than mediocre if you don’t have a passion for what you do. At that moment my mind drifted off to the evening before. I had been conducting a Group Hypnosis Smoking Cessation Session at Plainview Hospital. I realized that in that moment, I was great! I had passion. I had the participants in the palm of my hand and I took them to places that they needed to go. I do have passion for that work; I am in my element when I am doing it. It’s not work for me it was a joy! I realized that I simply have to do much more hypnosis and healing because it’s my passion.
I have a gift for helping and healing by back burnering it I am doing a disservice to myself and to humanity because I am denying the world of my gifts and preventing myself to become truly fulfilled and successful. It was a EUREKA moment if there ever was one.
Honestly, I am very thankful for my new job, and I will find the passion I need to become more than mediocre. With perseverance, perhaps that job will provide the means for me to do more of the other work and then become truly great at what I am passionate about, and I can stop racing with the clock and begin enjoying my time.
Saturday, February 6, 2010
Birthday Thoughts
Wow, it has been more than 2 months since I last posted here. It's been with good reason as I have been very busy. I started a new job and I had to go back to school and get a licence. Thankfully I passed the tests so now I can begin to make some decent money. It will take some more time but I am ready to make it happen.
Anyway, today I am 53 years old.
I have survived a lot this past year. Sometimes I wonder how I manged to do it.
Life has thown me my share of hardships, but somehow I have kept my sanity and my sence of humor for the the most part. I admit to allowing myself some time to wallow in self pity but I did my best to pick myself up dust myself off and start over again.
Like I said, I have just embarked on another new career, I don't know if this will be my road to prosperety, but I am optimistic about it. Maybe not at this particular place but somewhere, I know that I have what it takes to become sucesful and have the kind of life that I desire.
My goals are modest at the moment, I simply want to become solvent, and healthier. I am taking baby steps at first, but in time I will be back on top. This is a promise I am making to myself and I keep my promises.
I have the support of my family, and my friends. I can never repay them for what they have give me.
But for what it is worth, I will do my best to pay it forward and be the kind of man that they will be proud to have as a father, son, brother and friend.
Roch Preite 2/6/2010
Anyway, today I am 53 years old.
I have survived a lot this past year. Sometimes I wonder how I manged to do it.
Life has thown me my share of hardships, but somehow I have kept my sanity and my sence of humor for the the most part. I admit to allowing myself some time to wallow in self pity but I did my best to pick myself up dust myself off and start over again.
Like I said, I have just embarked on another new career, I don't know if this will be my road to prosperety, but I am optimistic about it. Maybe not at this particular place but somewhere, I know that I have what it takes to become sucesful and have the kind of life that I desire.
My goals are modest at the moment, I simply want to become solvent, and healthier. I am taking baby steps at first, but in time I will be back on top. This is a promise I am making to myself and I keep my promises.
I have the support of my family, and my friends. I can never repay them for what they have give me.
But for what it is worth, I will do my best to pay it forward and be the kind of man that they will be proud to have as a father, son, brother and friend.
Roch Preite 2/6/2010
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Starting all over again ...Again!
It has been a couple of weeks since I last had the chance to write. I have been really busy and then I got sick with a bad chest cold (bronchitis). It has taken a lot out of me because I have been burning the candle at both ends and eventually it had to catch up and I guess it finally did.
Thanksgiving week, I had the chance to start a new full time job in the health insurance industry doing something I have never done before or ever thought I would be doing at all for that matter. The company that I am working for gives you some basic sales training for a half a day and then you hit the phones and it's up to you to do the rest. Obviously you can not sell insurance yet, but you do have a couple of products that you are legally able to sell and you are given a script and a phone to do it. Thankfully these are good products and I am very happy about that because if I did not believe in the products I could never sell them at all.
You have to prove that you can do the job by closing a serious number of these small deals and after you have met the company's criteria, they will send you to school at their expense for your state insurance license. Once you past that test, you can actually begin to make some real money. With this type of work there is potential for decent income a few months into working there and very good income if you get good at it, but you have to pay your dues first and in the begining there is not much at in the way of money at all. It is a weeding our process. So far of the original 5 people hired on the day that I started and of the three that were hired the next week, there is only me and my new friend Fred who are still standing. This is pure telephone sales, and with my NLP skills and Hypnosis background it should be something that I will be good at. So far. I do like the job, at least it is something that is not physically demanding and it is giving my body a chance to rest a bit and there are a few other advantages to working there that are attractive to me and for now I am committed to making it work.
In the spirit of this blog, I want to tell you, my friends, the kinds of things that I am doing to make this transition work for me. But to be honest, by writing this today, I am doing it as much for me as I hope it will do for you. For me it is a kind of proclamation and affirmation, for you I hope it is instructional.
The first thing that I started doing was to begin a practice of visualizing my success for a few minutes in the morning as I lay in bed before getting dressed. I imagine myself at my desk and writing up the documentation which shows the closed deals, I hand that paperwork over to my boss and shake his hand as he congratulates me on the job well done. I imaging myself talking to people on the phone and in doing so I am also working on my "pitch". I get into feeling that I am irresistible to anyone I talk to. Then I spend a few moments enjoying the fruits of my success. I see myself driving my new car, I see my new motorcycle waiting for me to hop on and ride, and I feel the weight of the cash in my pockets too. I let myself really get into it and frankly it's become the most enjoyable part of my day.
The second thing that I did was to publicly post two of my goals prominently on my desk for me to see all day, One is a formula for how much money I will be making by a specific date. And the second are my specific sales goal that I set for the current week. These serve not only to motivate me, but it is an announcement of my intention to the universe and an invitation for it to participate in my success.
Number three goes back to the realm of creative visualization. I do this at night just before I settle in to sleep. Sitting up in bed, I hold my hands at shoulder width and move them begin to move them closer together until I "feel" my energy (chi) pressing back. As a Reiki Master, this is something I have practiced often and I am used to doing all the time but anybody can do it. When I have that ball of energy in between my hands, I begin to fill it with all my good intentions for the coming day. I put in the ball that I will have the chance to speak people who are ready willing and able to purchase the products that I am selling. I put in the ball that I will speak to people who want my help. I put into the ball that I will speak to people who are in a position to help me in my life in ways that I don't even know I need yet! Finally, I put in the ball the intention that everything I am desiring is all for the greater good of everyone I come into contact with. Once I feel that I have put all my good intentions into that ball I visualize that I am releasing it out into the universe. I watch as that ball flies out of my hands and then explodes like a fireworks in the sky and those millions of little sparks go off to find their intended targets and those people will find there way in turn to me.
Once I have done that, I simply ask that my guides and guardian angels protect me and help me as I do what ever I must do in the coming day to become a success at my chosen occupation. I believe that I have many guides and angels at my side. They have protected me (and my family) in the past and I take the time thank them in earnest for there help. I know that they are happy to help me but you have to remember to ask for their help and thank them when they do!
The last thing I did this week was to write a number of Sales Affirmations which I have also posted on my desk. Previously in this blog, I discussed the importance of making affirmations. In doing this I am just practicing what I preach. I have committed myself to reading them aloud at least three times a day. I think its important to read them aloud because then it becomes a statement of intent or a declaration of truth and a self fulfilling prophesy. Here they are for you. If you like them feel free to copy them yourself. So far, one of my co workers has already asked me for a copy and he has posted it on his desk too
BTW I took the background picture at the Grand Canyon it's such and inspiring place that I felt it was a good backdrop for this too.
So this is what I have been up to the past week. I am working on improving my performance and doing some NLP work on myself, I will share some of that with you next week Until then...
Thanksgiving week, I had the chance to start a new full time job in the health insurance industry doing something I have never done before or ever thought I would be doing at all for that matter. The company that I am working for gives you some basic sales training for a half a day and then you hit the phones and it's up to you to do the rest. Obviously you can not sell insurance yet, but you do have a couple of products that you are legally able to sell and you are given a script and a phone to do it. Thankfully these are good products and I am very happy about that because if I did not believe in the products I could never sell them at all.
You have to prove that you can do the job by closing a serious number of these small deals and after you have met the company's criteria, they will send you to school at their expense for your state insurance license. Once you past that test, you can actually begin to make some real money. With this type of work there is potential for decent income a few months into working there and very good income if you get good at it, but you have to pay your dues first and in the begining there is not much at in the way of money at all. It is a weeding our process. So far of the original 5 people hired on the day that I started and of the three that were hired the next week, there is only me and my new friend Fred who are still standing. This is pure telephone sales, and with my NLP skills and Hypnosis background it should be something that I will be good at. So far. I do like the job, at least it is something that is not physically demanding and it is giving my body a chance to rest a bit and there are a few other advantages to working there that are attractive to me and for now I am committed to making it work.
In the spirit of this blog, I want to tell you, my friends, the kinds of things that I am doing to make this transition work for me. But to be honest, by writing this today, I am doing it as much for me as I hope it will do for you. For me it is a kind of proclamation and affirmation, for you I hope it is instructional.
The first thing that I started doing was to begin a practice of visualizing my success for a few minutes in the morning as I lay in bed before getting dressed. I imagine myself at my desk and writing up the documentation which shows the closed deals, I hand that paperwork over to my boss and shake his hand as he congratulates me on the job well done. I imaging myself talking to people on the phone and in doing so I am also working on my "pitch". I get into feeling that I am irresistible to anyone I talk to. Then I spend a few moments enjoying the fruits of my success. I see myself driving my new car, I see my new motorcycle waiting for me to hop on and ride, and I feel the weight of the cash in my pockets too. I let myself really get into it and frankly it's become the most enjoyable part of my day.
The second thing that I did was to publicly post two of my goals prominently on my desk for me to see all day, One is a formula for how much money I will be making by a specific date. And the second are my specific sales goal that I set for the current week. These serve not only to motivate me, but it is an announcement of my intention to the universe and an invitation for it to participate in my success.
Number three goes back to the realm of creative visualization. I do this at night just before I settle in to sleep. Sitting up in bed, I hold my hands at shoulder width and move them begin to move them closer together until I "feel" my energy (chi) pressing back. As a Reiki Master, this is something I have practiced often and I am used to doing all the time but anybody can do it. When I have that ball of energy in between my hands, I begin to fill it with all my good intentions for the coming day. I put in the ball that I will have the chance to speak people who are ready willing and able to purchase the products that I am selling. I put in the ball that I will speak to people who want my help. I put into the ball that I will speak to people who are in a position to help me in my life in ways that I don't even know I need yet! Finally, I put in the ball the intention that everything I am desiring is all for the greater good of everyone I come into contact with. Once I feel that I have put all my good intentions into that ball I visualize that I am releasing it out into the universe. I watch as that ball flies out of my hands and then explodes like a fireworks in the sky and those millions of little sparks go off to find their intended targets and those people will find there way in turn to me.
Once I have done that, I simply ask that my guides and guardian angels protect me and help me as I do what ever I must do in the coming day to become a success at my chosen occupation. I believe that I have many guides and angels at my side. They have protected me (and my family) in the past and I take the time thank them in earnest for there help. I know that they are happy to help me but you have to remember to ask for their help and thank them when they do!
The last thing I did this week was to write a number of Sales Affirmations which I have also posted on my desk. Previously in this blog, I discussed the importance of making affirmations. In doing this I am just practicing what I preach. I have committed myself to reading them aloud at least three times a day. I think its important to read them aloud because then it becomes a statement of intent or a declaration of truth and a self fulfilling prophesy. Here they are for you. If you like them feel free to copy them yourself. So far, one of my co workers has already asked me for a copy and he has posted it on his desk too
BTW I took the background picture at the Grand Canyon it's such and inspiring place that I felt it was a good backdrop for this too.
So this is what I have been up to the past week. I am working on improving my performance and doing some NLP work on myself, I will share some of that with you next week Until then...
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Thanksgiving in the light of the day
This blog isn't going to be one that offers much in the way of advise. I just kind of feel the need to do a bit of personal introspection. Everyone has heard someone say to them "count your blessings" and this year I have more to be thankful for than in many others past.
So here is my list:
I am still breathing.
I believe that God is aways looking after me and my loved ones. (even if sometimes I forget to thank him until after I am forced to remember that...sorry about that God)
My family is healthy.
My kids do not get into trouble.
I have managed to keep a roof over our heads.
I have more than enough food on the table.
I have good clothing and shoes.
I have a two jobs that I enjoy (and I am starting a new one on Monday),
I have a dream and a goal that I am working towards.
I have transportation.
I have friends that care about me. I made a lot of new friends this year and rekindled friendships of years past.
I have my pets.
I have a places to go where people like me and are glad to see me,
I get the chance to help people and sometimes I even get paid for that.
I still have most of my teeth and some of my hair.
I still can carry a tune and people seem to enjoy listening.
I get to hold a baby once in a while.
I have faith that I am where I am supposed to be at this time in my life no matter what hardships are being thrown at me.
I am sure that given more time I could expand on this list but for now I am satisfied with it. Thursday, I will be together with most of my loved ones. I plan on reading this list out loud at the dinner table.
I pray that all of you dear readers are whole and healthy too.
So here is my list:
I am still breathing.
I believe that God is aways looking after me and my loved ones. (even if sometimes I forget to thank him until after I am forced to remember that...sorry about that God)
My family is healthy.
My kids do not get into trouble.
I have managed to keep a roof over our heads.
I have more than enough food on the table.
I have good clothing and shoes.
I have a two jobs that I enjoy (and I am starting a new one on Monday),
I have a dream and a goal that I am working towards.
I have transportation.
I have friends that care about me. I made a lot of new friends this year and rekindled friendships of years past.
I have my pets.
I have a places to go where people like me and are glad to see me,
I get the chance to help people and sometimes I even get paid for that.
I still have most of my teeth and some of my hair.
I still can carry a tune and people seem to enjoy listening.
I get to hold a baby once in a while.
I have faith that I am where I am supposed to be at this time in my life no matter what hardships are being thrown at me.
I am sure that given more time I could expand on this list but for now I am satisfied with it. Thursday, I will be together with most of my loved ones. I plan on reading this list out loud at the dinner table.
I pray that all of you dear readers are whole and healthy too.
Monday, November 9, 2009
Are you ready to fly with me?
Birds of a feather flock together, so I ask would you rather soar with the eagles or roost with the turkeys?
One of the basic principles of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is called Modeling. In very simple terms, it means that you can copy the success of others to enhance your own. Its a pretty simple concept. If something or some strategy worked for someone else, given the same circumstance, the same strategy will work for you. Imitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery isn't it? If you get into the role playing aspect of modeling you may find yourself adopting some of the same successful attitudes of the person you are modeling, This can go a long way to getting into a successful mindset.
Every successful athlete studies the techniques of their predecessors to improve their game. Artists often attempt to match the brushstrokes of the known masters as they perfect their own craft. Let's say you want to be a great guitar player. After you have mastered the basics of strumming, chord mechanics and picking, copying the styles of the players that you like is the most natural way hone your ability. Then, as those techniques become ingrained, in your mind and in your muscles, you begin to develop your own style.
Another part of this idea is that we should surround ourselves with people that we can learn from. These groups have been called by many names, brain trusts, master mind groups, support groups or success circles. Attending or being part gatherings where you mix and mingle with like minded folk is essential to success. I have had the luxury of rubbing shoulders with the best of the best in the hypnosis community, and I always look forward to more chances to be with them. You don't even need to be there physically. Facebook and the many online social networks are a great way to maintain a presence among your peers and your "betters".
Individual mentors are also vitally important. If you are an aspiring tennis player who is more likely to be able raise your game? An opponent that you consistently beat or someone who forces you to do your best to just keep up? In my own career I have had the luxury and the honor of becoming close to a few great hypnotists that I am constantly learning from.
I recall a specific time back in November of 2007 when I attended a workshop. One of the participants was a well known hypnotist by the name of Tom Nicoli. As the workshop went on, we had the chance to get to know each other and by the end of the weekend we had become friends. I recall that as we were saying our goodbyes, I put my arm around his shoulder and said something brash like "You and me Tom, we are going places!". Now Tom is very well established, he is world recognized in the hypnosis profession, he's authored several books, been on national TV speaks and teaches all over the world. So here I am, putting my arm around him and acting like I am a big shot. Tom turned to me, looked me right in the eye and said. "Roch, I am already there, you better catch up!" those were some of the most inspirational words anyone ever said to me! It was a kick in the ass that I really needed just them. Tom has been a good friend ever since.
I also am privileged to hang around with some other great hypnotists. John Cerbone is another good friend of mine. He is known as one of, if not the fastest stage hypnotists in the world. He has authored a top selling book of hypnosis scripts which is available on Amazon,com. He has appeared on MTV, Fox News and played to large rooms in Las Vegas. We became friends at the annual hypnotist conventions held in Marboro Mass, each August. John has since allowed me to accompany him on stage and participate as his assistant. He has taught me some of his famous speed trance techniques which I have used in my own lecture demos to great advantage. John is generous and funny, and he is a great talent. Learning from him has raised my game no doubt.
The point is that you need to be around the people you can learn from. You can even absorb knowledge through osmosis if you hang around the "right" people long enough. I have been exposed to so much about the spiritual side of hypnosis by working with my dear friends Beth Campbell and Kathleen Peters. They have opened my eyes to parts of this business I didn't really know existed. We have worked together and I have profited greatly from the experience. I could go on and on name dropping but you I am sure you get the idea.
The last point that I want to make is that you really can FAKE it till you MAKE it. This goes to the idea of raising your vibrational level which I have discussed in earlier posts. If you start thinking like a winner and acting a winner you will become a winner. Positive powerful self talk is the key here.
I want to urge you to visit my website; the links page http://www.self-esteemrecovery.com/links.html.
This is a large part of my own success circle, my personal master mind group, here you will find many of my friends and mentors. I am very fortunate to have such a great knowledge base to draw from and be inspired by.
One of the basic principles of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is called Modeling. In very simple terms, it means that you can copy the success of others to enhance your own. Its a pretty simple concept. If something or some strategy worked for someone else, given the same circumstance, the same strategy will work for you. Imitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery isn't it? If you get into the role playing aspect of modeling you may find yourself adopting some of the same successful attitudes of the person you are modeling, This can go a long way to getting into a successful mindset.
Every successful athlete studies the techniques of their predecessors to improve their game. Artists often attempt to match the brushstrokes of the known masters as they perfect their own craft. Let's say you want to be a great guitar player. After you have mastered the basics of strumming, chord mechanics and picking, copying the styles of the players that you like is the most natural way hone your ability. Then, as those techniques become ingrained, in your mind and in your muscles, you begin to develop your own style.
Another part of this idea is that we should surround ourselves with people that we can learn from. These groups have been called by many names, brain trusts, master mind groups, support groups or success circles. Attending or being part gatherings where you mix and mingle with like minded folk is essential to success. I have had the luxury of rubbing shoulders with the best of the best in the hypnosis community, and I always look forward to more chances to be with them. You don't even need to be there physically. Facebook and the many online social networks are a great way to maintain a presence among your peers and your "betters".
Individual mentors are also vitally important. If you are an aspiring tennis player who is more likely to be able raise your game? An opponent that you consistently beat or someone who forces you to do your best to just keep up? In my own career I have had the luxury and the honor of becoming close to a few great hypnotists that I am constantly learning from.
I recall a specific time back in November of 2007 when I attended a workshop. One of the participants was a well known hypnotist by the name of Tom Nicoli. As the workshop went on, we had the chance to get to know each other and by the end of the weekend we had become friends. I recall that as we were saying our goodbyes, I put my arm around his shoulder and said something brash like "You and me Tom, we are going places!". Now Tom is very well established, he is world recognized in the hypnosis profession, he's authored several books, been on national TV speaks and teaches all over the world. So here I am, putting my arm around him and acting like I am a big shot. Tom turned to me, looked me right in the eye and said. "Roch, I am already there, you better catch up!" those were some of the most inspirational words anyone ever said to me! It was a kick in the ass that I really needed just them. Tom has been a good friend ever since.
I also am privileged to hang around with some other great hypnotists. John Cerbone is another good friend of mine. He is known as one of, if not the fastest stage hypnotists in the world. He has authored a top selling book of hypnosis scripts which is available on Amazon,com. He has appeared on MTV, Fox News and played to large rooms in Las Vegas. We became friends at the annual hypnotist conventions held in Marboro Mass, each August. John has since allowed me to accompany him on stage and participate as his assistant. He has taught me some of his famous speed trance techniques which I have used in my own lecture demos to great advantage. John is generous and funny, and he is a great talent. Learning from him has raised my game no doubt.
The point is that you need to be around the people you can learn from. You can even absorb knowledge through osmosis if you hang around the "right" people long enough. I have been exposed to so much about the spiritual side of hypnosis by working with my dear friends Beth Campbell and Kathleen Peters. They have opened my eyes to parts of this business I didn't really know existed. We have worked together and I have profited greatly from the experience. I could go on and on name dropping but you I am sure you get the idea.
The last point that I want to make is that you really can FAKE it till you MAKE it. This goes to the idea of raising your vibrational level which I have discussed in earlier posts. If you start thinking like a winner and acting a winner you will become a winner. Positive powerful self talk is the key here.
I want to urge you to visit my website; the links page http://www.self-esteemrecovery.com/links.html.
This is a large part of my own success circle, my personal master mind group, here you will find many of my friends and mentors. I am very fortunate to have such a great knowledge base to draw from and be inspired by.
master mind groups,
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Its not NOW or Never, Its just NOW!

The best way I can describe Present Moment Focus is to talk about one of my passions. Riding my motorcycle. I just loved riding that bike, I recently sold, it but I will soon get another and a better one (Visualize. visualize, visualize!). The thing I loved most about riding it is the freedom from everything else going on when you are sitting atop that machine and cruising down the highway.. It is simply the most liberating experience you can have that's legal and not fattening! Think about it, there is only you, the bike and the next 100 yards of road ahead of you. You can not dwell on more than that because you really are on your own and unprotected from everything around you. If you allow yourself to get distracted you can die. You have to be hyper-vigilant in order to stay safe..
This need to stay in the moment when riding is true because (as any rider will tell you) when you are tooling along; where you look is where you go! Look to the right and the bike veers to the right and visa versa. That's because once you get up over 15 mph, because of the physics of centrifugal force take over. There is no need to get technical here but just understand that after a while, it all just becomes second nature, and it is as if the bike is responding to your thoughts. But because you MUST always be aware of what is happening NOW, you can not think about what happened to you earlier in the day or last week or last year, and except for the nest few seconds of road time you can not think about what is going to happen an hour from now or nest week or when ever. You have to be in the moment; one moment at time, for as long as you ride you are one with your bike and one with the road. It's kind of ZEN and for me, that is totally liberating. .
P.M,F, is like that, when we are troubled, or anxious, or worried, it is often a good thing to take stock of exactly how we are feeling right at that moment. Physically and emotionally; become aware of where you are right then!. If you are carrying the weight of the world on your shoulders just off load enough to allow you to breath. Then you can start think, but don't think too far ahead. Just think about the very next step. Confusious said that "A journey of a thousand miles starts with the first step".so while you may have a goal or outcome in mind, RIGHT NOW you need to extracate yourself from where you are. As I have written before, we can not go from one extreme of feeling to another in one fell swoop. You have to do it gradually. this is the key to P.M.F.
Lets look at this another way, the NOW is a fleeting thing.. By the time you think of something "now" has already become the past. We can not change what happened in the past, and there are too many variables to guarante any distant future outcome, but by dealing with the present moment, we can at least shift our feelings and in doing so raise our vibrational level and begin to move in a more positive direction allowing the Law of Attraction to begin to work for us instead of against us.
If this concept of Present Moment Focus is interesting to you, the book "The Power of Now" by Eckhart Tolle would be a great read for you.
Unitll next time,,Keep the shiny side up!
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