Birds of a feather flock together, so I ask would you rather soar with the eagles or roost with the turkeys?
One of the basic principles of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) is called Modeling. In very simple terms, it means that you can copy the success of others to enhance your own. Its a pretty simple concept. If something or some strategy worked for someone else, given the same circumstance, the same strategy will work for you. Imitation is after all the sincerest form of flattery isn't it? If you get into the role playing aspect of modeling you may find yourself adopting some of the same successful attitudes of the person you are modeling, This can go a long way to getting into a successful mindset.
Every successful athlete studies the techniques of their predecessors to improve their game. Artists often attempt to match the brushstrokes of the known masters as they perfect their own craft. Let's say you want to be a great guitar player. After you have mastered the basics of strumming, chord mechanics and picking, copying the styles of the players that you like is the most natural way hone your ability. Then, as those techniques become ingrained, in your mind and in your muscles, you begin to develop your own style.
Another part of this idea is that we should surround ourselves with people that we can learn from. These groups have been called by many names, brain trusts, master mind groups, support groups or success circles. Attending or being part gatherings where you mix and mingle with like minded folk is essential to success. I have had the luxury of rubbing shoulders with the best of the best in the hypnosis community, and I always look forward to more chances to be with them. You don't even need to be there physically. Facebook and the many online social networks are a great way to maintain a presence among your peers and your "betters".
Individual mentors are also vitally important. If you are an aspiring tennis player who is more likely to be able raise your game? An opponent that you consistently beat or someone who forces you to do your best to just keep up? In my own career I have had the luxury and the honor of becoming close to a few great hypnotists that I am constantly learning from.
I recall a specific time back in November of 2007 when I attended a workshop. One of the participants was a well known hypnotist by the name of Tom Nicoli. As the workshop went on, we had the chance to get to know each other and by the end of the weekend we had become friends. I recall that as we were saying our goodbyes, I put my arm around his shoulder and said something brash like "You and me Tom, we are going places!". Now Tom is very well established, he is world recognized in the hypnosis profession, he's authored several books, been on national TV speaks and teaches all over the world. So here I am, putting my arm around him and acting like I am a big shot. Tom turned to me, looked me right in the eye and said. "Roch, I am already there, you better catch up!" those were some of the most inspirational words anyone ever said to me! It was a kick in the ass that I really needed just them. Tom has been a good friend ever since.
I also am privileged to hang around with some other great hypnotists. John Cerbone is another good friend of mine. He is known as one of, if not the fastest stage hypnotists in the world. He has authored a top selling book of hypnosis scripts which is available on Amazon,com. He has appeared on MTV, Fox News and played to large rooms in Las Vegas. We became friends at the annual hypnotist conventions held in Marboro Mass, each August. John has since allowed me to accompany him on stage and participate as his assistant. He has taught me some of his famous speed trance techniques which I have used in my own lecture demos to great advantage. John is generous and funny, and he is a great talent. Learning from him has raised my game no doubt.
The point is that you need to be around the people you can learn from. You can even absorb knowledge through osmosis if you hang around the "right" people long enough. I have been exposed to so much about the spiritual side of hypnosis by working with my dear friends Beth Campbell and Kathleen Peters. They have opened my eyes to parts of this business I didn't really know existed. We have worked together and I have profited greatly from the experience. I could go on and on name dropping but you I am sure you get the idea.
The last point that I want to make is that you really can FAKE it till you MAKE it. This goes to the idea of raising your vibrational level which I have discussed in earlier posts. If you start thinking like a winner and acting a winner you will become a winner. Positive powerful self talk is the key here.
I want to urge you to visit my website; the links page
This is a large part of my own success circle, my personal master mind group, here you will find many of my friends and mentors. I am very fortunate to have such a great knowledge base to draw from and be inspired by.
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