Saturday, February 27, 2010

Racing for Passion!

"When you’re racing with the clock
When you’re racing with the clock
And the second hand doesn't understand
That your back may break and your fingers ache
And your constitution isn't made of rock!
It’s a losing race when your racing with the
Racing racing racing with the clock!"

That is the chorus from a song in the play "The Pajama Game". When I was in high school we did that play. I had a non singing role, but that song has always stuck with me.

It seems to me that for most of my life I have been racing with the clock. I've been doing my best to keep my head out of the water, I’d been running in place and not getting as far as I wanted to. In the past, I felt that I had been losing that race, because the clock is ticking, and I am still looking for the spark that is going to propel me to the top.

I am now embarking on my second (or third or fourth career), but I don’t consider the others failures. I know that every great achiever has had to start over. I guess some people just have to start over more than others do.

I write this blog because I want to help people find the greatness in themselves. We all have greatness within us. The trick is to find the way to unleash it.

On Wednesday morning, we had a sales meeting at my new job. The person conducting the meeting spoke about the difference between mediocrity and greatness. He said that the difference is PASSION. He said that you can never be more than mediocre if you don’t have a passion for what you do. At that moment my mind drifted off to the evening before. I had been conducting a Group Hypnosis Smoking Cessation Session at Plainview Hospital. I realized that in that moment, I was great! I had passion. I had the participants in the palm of my hand and I took them to places that they needed to go. I do have passion for that work; I am in my element when I am doing it. It’s not work for me it was a joy! I realized that I simply have to do much more hypnosis and healing because it’s my passion.

I have a gift for helping and healing by back burnering it I am doing a disservice to myself and to humanity because I am denying the world of my gifts and preventing myself to become truly fulfilled and successful. It was a EUREKA moment if there ever was one.

Honestly, I am very thankful for my new job, and I will find the passion I need to become more than mediocre. With perseverance, perhaps that job will provide the means for me to do more of the other work and then become truly great at what I am passionate about, and I can stop racing with the clock and begin enjoying my time.


Saturday, February 6, 2010

Birthday Thoughts

Wow, it has been more than 2 months since I last posted here.  It's been with good reason as I have been very busy.  I started a new job and I had to go back to school and get a licence.  Thankfully I passed the tests so now I can begin to make some decent money.  It will take some more time but I am ready to make it happen.

Anyway, today I am 53 years old.

I have survived a lot this past year. Sometimes I wonder how I manged to do it.

Life has thown me my share of hardships, but somehow I have kept my sanity and my sence of humor for the the most part. I admit to allowing myself some time to wallow in self pity but I did my best to pick myself up dust myself off and start over again.

Like I said, I have just embarked on another new career, I don't know if this will be my road to prosperety, but I am optimistic about it. Maybe not at this particular place but somewhere, I know that I have what it takes to become sucesful and have the kind of life that I desire.

My goals are modest at the moment, I simply want to become solvent, and healthier. I am taking baby steps at first, but in time I will be back on top. This is a promise I am making to myself and I keep my promises.

I have the support of my family, and my friends. I can never repay them for what they have give me.

But for what it is worth, I will do my best to pay it forward and be the kind of man that they will be proud to have as a father, son, brother and friend.


Roch Preite 2/6/2010