Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Say it with feeling!

Let's talk about self talk.  We all do it.  What kind of things do you say to yourself?  Are you a half empty or half full self talker?  It becomes habitual, and a lot of this actually comes from our past.  Our parents, teachers, siblings or people that we looked up to may have said things both positive and negative and those things can become imprinted on our subconscious.  It's a true that when you hear the same things often enough we begin to believe them.  How many times have you heard yourself saying the same things about yourself that you heard thrown your way when you were a kid?  He's so clumsy..She can't sing..you'll never amount to anything. 
There was a time that I found myself saying these things too.  My thing was saying that I was not "good with money."  Later, when I thought about it I could hear my parents saying similar things to me when I was a kid.  Its not that they intended to do anything harmful to me, in their way they was doing their best to help me.  But she didn't understand the impact that her well intentioned but poorly phrased words would have.  It took a long time to realize that I was actually living to up (or actually down) to those expectations.  I really believed that I was not "good with money" as as a result I never really had any.  In addition, my mom had a favorite phrase "Self-Praisers Stink"  My sister and I were brought up with the idea that we should not ever say good things about ourselves, that all praise must come from others.  I believe that she thought that self praise was the same as being conceited which to her was a sin.  This only reinforced the impact of my parents words as positive praise was never really all that free flowing around our house.  When I realized that I was verbally sabotaging myself I began to take steps to correct it.  I started a daily practice of saying affirmations to counteract the old imprints. 
The first step is to take a bit of time and listen to how you talk to yourself.  Are you using self-deprecating humor?  Are you always critical of yourself?  Then take those things and re-frame into a positive suggestion for your subconscious.
Affirmations have 5 critical properties:
1.  They are positive.
2.  They are present-tense.
3.  They are simple.
4.  They are believable.
5.  They are measurable.
So lets do a little role playing and construct a proper affirmation.
To counteract "I am not good with money" I might say. that "I am a great money manager who pays his bills on time with more to save" Breaking it down, it goes like this.
1.  Is it positive? Yes, I declare that I am "great money manger"
2.  Is it present tense? Yes, it starts with ' I am..."
3.  Is it simple? Yes, its only one sentance
4.  Is it believable? Yes, to me it is
5.  Is it measurable? Yes, there are two standards here.  One that "I pay the bills on time" and two is that there is "more to save"
Now, just saying these things, isn't by itself going to make it true all by itself.
You have to say them with feeling and really get into it.  Feeling good about it and just let yourself go. 
You can combine this with some constructive visualizations and then you really have some powerful mojo going for yourself.
Anyway it a process and it will take a bit of time but just remember how many times you heard the negative things for them to sink into your consciousness and before long you will back on track.
Give it a shot, you might just surprise itself!


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