Saturday, September 5, 2009

Change your Mood and Change your Life

This week I want to talk about how you can change your mood when you need to.

Two or three weeks ago I had a miserable morning. First I went to the bank only to find I was seriously overdrawn, then I found out the reason for that was because a family member had neglected to return an expensive item (it was just a misunderstanding) but it caused a chain of bounced checks and the associated charges to my checking account. When I learned about it, I went "ballistic" and lost my temper with everyone around me and my family got the brunt of my frustration and anger.

I was in such a terrible mood that I was storming around the house looking for anything that ticked me off so I could rant more and more. Believe me this was not one of my best moments.

But then I stopped and realized that my anger was an engine that was just driving me further and further down a road that I didn't want to go. For weeks I had been doing my best to raise my vibrational level and manifest good things including more money into my life. I realized that I was doing damage to all of that and that I had to gain control of my feelings and begin to reverse those negative vibrations again. Moreover, I had to get to work and as I am in a sales job I knew that the mood I was in was certainly not conducive to that. If you are radiating negativity people around you pick up on that and nobody is going to buy from you.

So what to do? You can not do a 180 degree turn around on a dime with your feelings. It takes time to counteract bad feelings. Actually for me, when I am in that state of agitation, I usually blow my stack which passes quickly but then I remain moody for a long time. I needed to do something so i could get to work and have at least the chance to make a sale.

I decided to make a sales trip to the farthest part of my territory, this would give me time to work on my mood. What I did then was start listening to my music. More than that I decided to learn the words to a new song that I had been enjoying. So I put a the CD into my player and repeated the song over and over until I knew all the words. By the time I got to my first stop,
I was feeling fine, and in fact I did make a sale that day.

You might think that is all it takes, but the day was not complete because I had to clean up the mess I made at home with all the energy that I left behind me. I had forgiven myself first but I had to make a point of making amends to the people in my house that I had ranted at. Sometimes that is not so easy. I had raised my vibration but they were still upset when I got home. I made an apology for my anger and my ranting, I confessed that what really happened was I was reacting to my own feelings of inadequacy about making enough money to support the family.

What I decided to to was to watch a funny movie and invite my family to watch it with me. It was just an inroad to put us in the same room, in an nonthreatening environment. Unfortunately, the family member who was the recipient of most of my wrath was not ready to sit with me, but at least I had made the effort and I know that vibrations are infectious. I watched the movie and enjoyed it laughed out loud. And the day ended with me knowing that I had reset the right vibrational tone again for me to keep on the right emotional track for good self-esteem so that the next day I could carry that into what ever else came my way.

PS; My family member and I are okay again. Vibrations are infectious! Good and Bad!


  1. Nothing better than "Good... good... good vibrations"... How I love the sound they make! Better yet... I love the energy they create inside and out. Now, as you are doing... keep focusing on those thoughts and let them be contagious for all around you.

  2. "I'm pickin' up good vibrations!"
